Important Facts About Pregnancy and the Flu

Preparing for a new baby is an exciting time, but as any expectant mom will tell you, it can also be stressful. And the news that the swine flu is striking pregnant women harder than other people doesn't help. So whether you just found out you're pregnant or are about to deliver, arm yourself with these facts to protect yourself and your growing baby from illness this winter.

Flu Fact No. 1: Pregnant women are more at risk for seasonal flu.
“There are complicated changes that occur in a woman's body to allow her to carry around a fetus and not reject it," says Dr. Nancy Cossler, an ob-gyn at Case Medical Center in Cleveland. "One change is that there is a tamping down of your immune system, which means you're more at risk for many illnesses, including the flu."

Flu Fact No. 2: Getting the flu shot is the most effective way to reduce your flu risk.
Pregnant women should get the seasonal flu vaccine. It's safe to get it at any point during your pregnancy. Just be sure you get the injected version, which is made with killed flu virus. The other type of vaccine, the nasal spray, is not approved for pregnant women because it is made with a live, weakened flu virus.

If, however, you got the nasal spray before you realized you were pregnant, you likely won't experience any problems. Nevertheless, tell your doctor about it.

In addition, although there is no evidence that thimerosal, a mercury preservative in vaccines, causes any harm to pregnant women or a fetus, there are some thimerosal-free vaccines available, if that's what you desire. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that pregnant women get vaccinated with either the regular or thimerosal-free vaccines.

Flu Fact No. 3: The flu shot also protects your growing baby.
When you get vaccinated, your body actually passes the vaccine's protective antibodies on to your developing fetus, which can boost your newborn's immunity during the first six months of life.

“Good studies show that pregnant women who get vaccinated against the seasonal flu give birth to babies who are less likely to get sick themselves," says Cossler. Another way to stretch out a vaccine's protective benefits: breastfeed. When you do, you'll continue to pass the antibodies you received from the vaccine on to your baby.

Flu Fact No. 4: Mitigating the spread of germs reduces your flu risk.
Do all you can to stop the spread of germs. When it comes to your hands: wash, wash and wash again -- as soon as you come home, before you eat, after running errands. It's a universal precaution that can prevent illness, says Cossler. If soap and water aren't handy, keep an alcohol-based sanitizer with you. Avoid people who are sick and try to touch fewer surfaces, such as door handles, elevator buttons and even your own nose. 

Flu Fact No. 5: Don't ignore any flu-like symptoms.
The most common flu indicators are fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headaches, chills, fatigue and sometimes diarrhea or vomiting. If you have some or all of these, stay home, drink plenty of water and call your doctor right away. You may be given an antiviral medicine that safely treats the flu in pregnant women and can be taken at any time during pregnancy.

The bottom line is this: It's important to know that the flu isn't spread through the air you breathe, but by respiratory droplets that you touch and then spread to yourself by rubbing your eyes or nose. If you and everyone in your family take precautions and get vaccinated, you can avoid the flu this season. And that's good for you and your baby. 

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Seasonal Flu Fundamentals

To keep your family healthy and safe this flu season, it's important to know all you can about the flu. Here are seasonal flu fundamentals on everything from symptoms to prevention.

Who's at Risk: Young children and people over 65 are most likely to contract the virus.

Symptoms: The flu virus usually triggers fever, cough, runny nose or congestion, and body aches.

Red-flag Warnings
Most people with seasonal flu get a mild illness that might make them feel miserable for a few days but isn't life-threatening. But it's important to watch for red-flag warning signs that suggest a person is developing severe complications.

In children, look for fast breathing or breathing difficulty. Also, act fast if skin appears bluish or the child has a fever with a rash. Failure to wake up or interact, and extreme irritability are also warning signs. In addition, symptoms that improve but then return with fever and a worse cough need immediate attention.

In adults, red flags include breathing difficulty, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness, confusion, or severe or persistent vomiting.

The flu virus is transmitted through tiny amounts of mucus released when you talk, sneeze or cough, explains Dr. Robert W. Frenck Jr., professor of pediatrics in the division of infectious diseases at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. You can prevent the spread of both flu viruses by developing these healthy habits:

  • Wash your hands. Several times a day, wash your hands with soap and water, especially before eating. If you don't have sink access, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your cough. If you feel the urge to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with a tissue and then throw the tissue away. If you don't have a tissue handy, cough into your elbow.
  • Stay home. If you get sick, plan on staying home for four days, or until the fever has been gone for 24 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medication.
  • Get vaccinated. "Vaccination is the best way to prevent seasonal flu," says Dr. Davis. To find flu vaccination clinics near you, contact your local or state health department.

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3 Common Cold and Flu Myths

Mothers usually know best. But your mom may have led you astray with a few pieces of her sick-day advice. Parents often ask my opinion about a piece of cold and flu info they've heard and practiced for years. But in reality, science proves that some longstanding beliefs simply aren't true. Here are three myths that I hear often in my practice … and the truth behind each one. Read on; you just might be surprised at the truth behind cold and flu myths!

Cold and Flu Myth No. 1: Cold weather can make you sick.
The truth: Going outside in chilly weather without a jacket or with a head of wet hair isn't likely to cause the sniffles. In one study published by the journal Family Practice, people were exposed to the cold virus and asked to stand in rooms of varying temperatures; all groups had virtually the same rate of infection, no matter if they were freezing or toasty.

The fact that colds and the flu are more common in winter is likely because we tend to spend more time indoors when it's cold outside, which increases our chances of coming into contact with sniffling people or contaminated surfaces. Protect yourself and others by always covering your sneezes with an elbow or a tissue and making sure to frequently wash your hands.

Cold and Flu Myth No. 2: Milk can increase mucus production.
The truth: If you're not lactose intolerant, you can drink milk and eat yogurt when you're under the weather. An Australian study, which required 60 volunteers to consume varying amounts of dairy when they were sick with a cold, found no significant connection between milk intake and phlegm production.

Cold and Flu Myth No. 3: Green mucus is a sign of a sinus infection.
The truth: The color of your child's mucus doesn't necessarily mean that he needs antibiotics: Green or yellow mucus just means that that phlegm has been lingering in the nose longer, which can occur with viral infections like a cold. But if the mucus is a color other than greenish-yellow or continues for more than 10 days, it's time to see the doctor.

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Outsmart 5 Hidden Gym Dangers

You go to the gym to get healthier. But what you may not know is that there’s also a chance of getting sick or injured. The reality is that many hidden dangers exist in health clubs, from cold- and flu-causing viruses to risky equipment.

Fortunately, if you know the warning signs -- and how to respond -- you’ll significantly decrease your chances of health woes. Here, then, are the five worries to watch. Use these tips, and the only thing you’ll bring home from the gym is a better physique.

Gym Danger No. 1: Germs
Reality check: 73 percent of weightlifting equipment at the gym is contaminated with a cold virus, according to a study in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. As if that wasn’t enough, a Journal of Athletic Training study reported that one in three people has a spreadable skin condition, such as athlete’s foot and ringworm.

  • Wipe down equipment with disinfectant spray and tissues before and after use.
  • Opt for vinyl or plastic gym bags, since bacteria are less apt to attach to these materials.
  • Wash your hands often and/or carry antibacterial gel
  • Keep your feet covered in the locker room (think: flip-flops) and use a towel as a barrier to avoid exposing your skin to any shared surfaces.
  • Bring your own mat and towel (clubs often transport clean and dirty towels in the same bins).
  • Cover your face with a tissue should you need to sneeze or cough.
  • Cover cuts or abrasions with a bandage.
  • Shower as soon as possible and wash sweaty clothes in hot water.

Gym Danger No. 2: Bad form
If your body is misaligned, you risk placing your joints in unhealthy positions. To steer clear of complications like stress fractures, torn cartilage and tendinitis, don’t be afraid to seek help. Consider hiring a qualified trainer to teach you proper form, or flag down the group instructor to give you pointers.

Also remember to warm up before exercising and stretch often. You should also pay attention to your range of motion, keeping your movements controlled and weight low, until you’ve got that exercise down pat.

Gym Danger No. 3: Too-heavy weights
More isn’t always better. At the gym, overdoing it can lead to physical injuries and mental burnout. In very rare cases, extreme overwork can lead to a dangerous condition called rhabdomyolysis, where the muscles break down and release toxins in the bloodstream. (Post-workout, if you’re feeling extremely sore, weak and fatigued; running a fever; and/or have dark-colored or blood-tinted urine, call your doctor.)

To stay safe, listen to your body and be aware of your limits. Also increase your effort gradually; don’t suddenly increase the amount of weight you’re lifting or distance you’re running.

Gym Danger No. 4: Unqualified trainer
Working with a personal trainer can help you learn how to exercise safely -- and reach your goals. Most trainers are professionals with outstanding credentials. But since there aren’t licensing requirements in the industry, virtually anyone -- including those with little experience or education -- can use the title “trainer.”

Before working with an instructor, ask about their certifications and education. Some reputable certifications: those from the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). Specialty disciplines, such as yoga and Pilates, have their own niche certifications, including ones offered by outlets like the Pilates Method Alliance and YogaFit. And all staff, regardless of what they teach, should be certified in CPR/fitness first aid and automated external defibrillator (AED).

Gym danger No. 5: Faulty equipment
Chances are hundreds of other exercisers use the same equipment at the gym -- that’s a lot of wear and tear. If you notice that a machine isn’t working as it should, or something seems amiss, stop and alert the staff immediately. You may also want to check with your health club’s management to see how often those weight machines and treadmills are maintained and assessed.

Bouncing Back After Being Sick

If you're getting over being under the weather, it can be tempting to put the pedal to the metal on the road to recovery. But if you really want to feel better, proceed with caution. Here's how to bounce back without risking a relapse.

1. Rest up.
Resist staying up past prime time when you're on the mend, suggests Dr. Mark Anderson, a family physician in Southlake, Texas."An early bedtime is more effective than trying to catch up on sleep in the morning, because the deep sleep you get before 2 a.m. is worth twice as much as sleeping in," he says.

Even when you're awake, take it easy. You may feel well enough to go back to work, but that doesn't mean you're ready to go out on the town. Instead, stay in and read, catch up with a friend over the phone or watch a DVD. Still suffering from a stuffy nose? Soak in the tub. Not only is it relaxing, but the steam may act as a decongestant.

2. Eat right.
Though it's often easier to just grab something quick when you're trying to catch up on the things you missed while you were sick, eating well can help you get completely healthy and provide you with a much-needed energy boost. Follow these tips:

  • Stay hydrated, which helps flush out any excess mucus from a cold or flu and replaces fluids lost as a result of nausea or diarrhea.
  • Stick to easily digestible foods like rice, dry toast, saltines, bananas and apples if you're just starting to eat again after a gastrointestinal bug.
  • Avoid dairy, since it thickens lingering mucus and can exacerbate nausea.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies: Their antioxidants boost your immune system, which can help ward off new or secondary infections.

3. Work it out.
As long as you're no longer running a fever, says Anderson, you can start exercising again. In fact, not only will the heat your body generates during exercise help keep any leftover mucus moving, but the endorphins produced can speed your recovery.

That said, listen to your body and don't take on too much too soon."Scale back your workout," suggests Anderson."If you're used to running 3 miles a day, try walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes instead."

4. Keep it to yourself.
Did you know you're contagious for up to a week after coming down with a cold or the flu? Even if you're feeling better, continue to follow the habits that can help prevent illness from spreading:

  • Keep a small bottle of antibacterial gel on hand and use it before touching your children.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 15 seconds after using the bathroom, after blowing your nose, before eating, and before and after handling food.
  • Have someone else cook (or order in) until you've been better for a few days. If that's not possible, wash your hands thoroughly before and after preparing food.
  • Cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow, not your hand.
Kiss your kids on the top of the head, not on the face, until you're feeling 100 percent well again.